Tag Archives: productivity

Organisation Tips

Hey Guys!

Hope you don’t mind that I haven’t been posting that much, but I didn’t feel like I really had anything to blog about until now 🙂

So I am currently at secondary school, in Year 9 (Idk what that is in America but I’m 13 nearly 14) and I get a lot of homework, all the time. And at first I really struggled to keep on top of all my assignments, and I never revised for tests, but now I’ve settled in more and I think I have some good tips for helping you guys to stay ahead of stuff.

1. Procrastination is death.

I know every one of you will have done this before. You have a massive essay you need to write, or a test you need to study before, but you get distracted by YouTube or your phone or the window. My tip is think about how long the task will take, and if it is particularly long, break it down. Have a little break in the middle but the key to this working is self-discipline. Say Ok, I’ll watch one video, or I’ll have 10 minutes. This will take a while to get used to, but eventually the procrastination will be overcome by guilt, and hopefully it will get done.

2. Make a list.

This may be personal preference, but I really like making a list with little check boxes, because you get a sense of achievement as you tick things off. A little extra that I like is drawing a line after a certain number of tasks, and I’ll label that line with, for example, 5 minute tea break or watch 1 episode of Grey’s Anatomy. And when you’ve done everything on the list, you’re done 😀

3. Never forget again.

So, I have quite a lot of tests and too many times I have been lying in bed, about to fall asleep, when I remember: I HAVE A HUGE PHYSICS TEST TOMORROW FIRST THING. There are a few things I use to make sure I never forget. The first is very simple, write it down. My school issued us with planners so I write in 2 days before the test that I need to revise, and I also write it in the day before. If your school doesn’t have something like that, there are some iPhone thingys I use as well. The simplest, Reminders. Simply go on to reminders, create a list, and add a new reminder. The most important step is this: Remind on a Day. IMG_8447 Choose a time that works for you, and your phone will do the rest! The last app that I use is called MyHomework. You have to fill in your timetable, and which classes you take, then you add in homeworks as you get set them. You can organise them with priority, and you will get notifications if you have upcoming ones.

I hope you liked this style of post, pleeeease comment any suggestions you have and I promise to do them!

Lots of love, Rosie May xxx